Are you just wondering where the time is flying to?? Your
little baby will be starting Kindergarten in a year. Are you looking back and
seeing all of the growth your child has made and everything he/she can do. It’s
just amazing how fast they grow up, not to mention all the skills they have
acquired. It amazes me how fast they catch on to things. Most parents will send
their child to preschool when they are four years old because they get so bored
at home or daycare. They are usually ready to move on to something more
challenging. Preschool helps get them ready for Kindergarten and gives them the
chance to begin interacting with kids their own age. By this age, your child
should be able to interact with kids and start the process of solving their own
problems, and be able to play with each other for a longer amount of time. They
are able to speak more clearly and bring more complex words into a clear
sentence. They will actually be able to have a more grown up conversation with
family members or their friends.
Your four year old is just getting to the
point that they are able to learn things and remember how to do it. They should
know all of their colors, shapes, etc.
They should be able to draw each shape if you
ask them to.
It’s the time when they are
beginning the process of reading small, beginner books out loud. Don’t worry
some kids will catch on to the reading part faster than others. It all takes
time and it’s a good idea to practice with them every day so they learn how to
bring the sounds of words together. If they are simple books they might be able
to say what happens in the book.
At this
age, they are able to write their name without any help and able to read it.
Also, even writing simple sentences by themselves, because they are sounding
the words out and putting it together. Counting is another thing that they are
able to do, they may be able to count without any mistakes to roughly 100.
At this stage, they can understand a long
strand of directions that are given to them. Such as: get ready for bed, brush
your teeth, then go get in bed. They are able to comprehend what you are saying
and follow directions. You’ll notice at home that they think they are such a
big kid now that they can pick their own outfits out for the day and even get
themselves dressed by themselves. They are able to get themselves undressed at
night and ready for bed. They also can
brush their teeth by themselves.
a parent, you’ll see a world of different changes from the age three to four
that your child has developed. It’s just so surprising how much they can do and
how independent they have become. Let them show their independence, as this is
their way of growing up and developing into a wonderful little person.