Sunday, May 3, 2015

Saint Thomas Vacation!

Saint Thomas is one of the places that you travel to for your vacation.  It’s located in Virgin Islands, surrounded by beautiful blue water.  Saint Thomas is surrounded in pretty much all water, there’s like no land nearby except little islands. There are many things that you can do in Saint Thomas that is a lot of fun that you wouldn’t have a chance to do back at home.
One of the things that you can do is a sail boat excursion and they take you different places. While you’re this excursion you go snorkeling, which is pretty neat thing because each place is different and has different coral reefs and different animals. I just think this a great experience and would be really fun. Then it takes you to a couple of different beaches and you were able to get off the boat and could do some different activities on that beach and see spend time in the water which is nice so you can some different environment and explore different beaches so you’re not at the same beach for your whole vacation. I just think it would be a really fun time doing this and seeing the new things.
You can also go on a ferry ride to a different island to spend a day at, and then come back at that night. Doesn’t that sounds like another fun thing to do?? Another way to get on the water and see everything and see hoe pretty the water and all the islands is. I think it would be such a blast a great way to spend part of your vacation.
There’s also zip lining through the flower gardens…… this would be another adventure if you haven’t tried anything like this before or is afraid of heights. But they have different levels that you can choose to do; this means the higher you are and the harder the level is.. This would be another fun thing that you can do and some that you might really enjoy and might even help you get over your fear if this was one of your fears.
                Going to Saint Thomas is another great place to choose to go when traveling out of the country. But trust me there are so many other places that you can choose from and they are all wonderful places to go to and all have wonder activities to do. You can also choose to do a cruise for your vacation too if you don’t want to stay a resort the whole time and on cruise they do stop at the islands to and you can activities too. So I hope you are satisfied with whatever you choose to do.

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